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Milestones for Ph.D. degree:

a. Selection of Advisor and Advisory Committee:

  • The research advisor will be selected no later than the end of the first year in attendance. This milestone also coincides with selection of the Dissertation Advisory Committee. Prior to selection of advisor and appointment of the Advisory Committee, student advising will be done by the Graduate Standards Committee (GSC). The Dissertation Advisory Committee will be composed as follows: a minimum of five members, at least four of whom are from the CEHS; a minimum of one member must be from outside the Department and CEHS.

b. Plan of Study:

  • Upon selection of an advisor, and no later than the end of the third semester, the student will prepare a Plan of Study which is endorsed by the Advisory Committee and includes all courses to be taken.

c. Research Proposal:

  • The dissertation research proposal will be completed and endorsed by the Advisory Committee no later than the end of fifth semester in attendance.

d. Dissertation Defense:

  • A public presentation of the results of dissertation work will occur as the final experience for the doctoral degree. Following the public presentation, the Dissertation Advisory Committee will meet with the student to discuss the dissertation; for a student to pass, all committee members must judge performance to be satisfactory. In case of failure, one repeat examination is permitted. The examination/defense relates to both the dissertation and to the content of the discipline.

Milestones for M.S. degree:

a. Selection of Advisor and Advisory Committee:

  • The research advisor will be selected no later than the end of the first semester in attendance. This milestone also coincides with selection of the Thesis Advisory Committee. Prior to selection of advisor and appointment of the advisory committee, student advising will be done by the GSC. The Thesis Advisory Committee will be composed as follows: a minimum of three members, at least two of whom are from the CEHS; a minimum of one member must be from outside the Department and CEHS.

b. Plan of Study:

  • Upon selection of an advisor, and no later than the end of the second semester, the student will prepare a Plan of Study which is endorsed by the Advisory Committee and includes all courses to be taken.

c. Research Proposal:

  • The thesis research proposal will be completed and endorsed by the Advisory Committee no later than the end of third semester in attendance.

d. Thesis Defense:

  • A public presentation of the results of thesis work will occur as the final experience for the masters degree. Following the public presentation, the Thesis Advisory Committee will meet with the student to discuss the thesis; for a student to pass, all committee members must judge performance to be satisfactory. In case of failure, one repeat examination is permitted. The examination/defense relates to both the dissertation and to the content of the discipline.