UM Workshop for Teachers brings Environmental Health into Local Classrooms
Top from left to right: CAHHP Workshop participants; Teachers conducting vapor trails experiment
Bottom from left to right: Teachers learning how to operate air sampling equipment; Observing pollen grains at high magnification; Conducting radioactive half-life classroom activity
A professional development workshop was held at the University of Montana campus from August 14-16 to provide intensive preparation for high school science teachers interested in applying environmental health related curriculum in their classrooms.
The Clean Air and Healthy Homes Program (CAHHP) strives to incorporate rigorous environmental health content into K-12 science as a mechanism to expand STEM learning and support teachers by facilitating student research on topics like particulate matter, radon, and carbon monoxide. The summer workshop gave teachers ample opportunity to pilot test new lab experiments and operate the sampling equipment available for students to conduct research.
Several teachers who have been involved with the Air Toxics program since its inception shared their experiences with those newly introduced to the materials. CEHS faculty and staff were on hand to present new modules and experiments on radioactivity, radon, and cancer.
Teachers Brett Taylor (Sentinel HS) and Dave Oberbillig (Hellgate HS) gave presentations on the role of inquiry in science learning, promoting student engagement, and aligning lessons with Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core State Standards. Our thanks go out to Mr. Taylor, Mr. Oberbillig and Mr. Dave Jones (Big Sky HS) as they took time out of their summer to review the new curricular material, provide valuable feedback, and share ideas about how they plan to use the curriculum in their science classes.
Funding for CAHHP is provided by Science Education Partnership Award grant #R25 OD010511 and sponsored by the Center for Environmental Health Sciences, a division of the Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and College of Health Professions and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Montana.
For more information about the Center for Environmental Health Sciences, please visit: